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ROAD WARRIOR (noun): a person who travels frequently as part of their job and does much work while travelling.
[Oxford English Dictionary]

Asia Europe

My Weird Food Olympics

I have recently returned from Japan, where some friends and I enjoyed a five day cycling trip in a remote […]



Back to Deep China

I lived in Asia for almost a decade. During that time I visited China a lot – usually once every […]


Central & South America North America

Welcome to the Bahamas, People’s Republic of China

I recently travelled from London to Houston. I had some meetings there that were timed to coincide with the Offshore […]



The Chinese Onion

I spent four days in Beijing last week. I was there with Nathan, a friend and work colleague, to attend […]


Asia Europe

Shale Gas, China, Cupcakes and Tattoos – a Random Walk through the Garden of Global Trends

So, here’s a tricky one for you: what’s the similarity between shale gas, China, cupcakes and tattoos? I work in […]



A Day in the Park – Spider Kebabs and Other Oddities, Beijing, China

I may have mentioned this once or twice before, but China can sometimes seem like a seriously weird place. I […]