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ROAD WARRIOR (noun): a person who travels frequently as part of their job and does much work while travelling.
[Oxford English Dictionary]

Australia & the Pacific

Farewell 2020. You won’t be missed.

Last year, when I wrote my usual “end of year” wrap-up blog, I called it “Roaring into the 20s”. In […]


Australia & the Pacific

Australian Wildlife

A favourite passage in travel literature comes from Bill Bryson’s book about his journey around Australia – In a Sunburned […]


Tales from Isolation: A Road Warrior’s guide to 12 types of terrifying travellers

For some of us lock-down, quarantine and home isolation continues. Although even for the rest of us who have been […]



That Time in Kazakhstan…..

Thanks to Covid-19 I have been grounded in Australia, unable to fly anywhere. And last week I reached a personal milestone of sorts: I have now slept in the same bed for more than 120 nights in a row. This is a big deal for me, seeing that this has not happened since my university days, more than 25 years ago.


Live from Isolation

Hello world! Life has sure thrown us all a bit of a fucking curve-ball right now, wouldn’t you say? In […]


Roaring into the ’20s

A “tradition” has developed on this blog whereby at year’s end I seem to find myself on a random beach, […]