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ROAD WARRIOR (noun): a person who travels frequently as part of their job and does much work while travelling.
[Oxford English Dictionary]

Happy New Year from Bondi Beach

Today is December 31st, the last day of 2014. In the blink of an eye another year has gone by. As […]


North America

Chess in the Park

As a child, New York was my equivalent of The Emerald City: a mythical, fantastical place of wonder that I […]


North America

Rosh Hashanah in New York

This year I spent Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year holiday) in Brooklyn, New York. Even though I have visited […]


North America

LA Moments

I have recently been spending some time exploring Los Angeles. My brother and sister-in-law live there, two of the 18 […]


Asia Middle East

Notes on Gaza, Part II – And now what?

In my last post I wrote about the war in Gaza, and how what is happening there should be seen as […]


Middle East North America

Notes from Venice on Gaza

I was recently in Los Angeles. It is summer there, so like a real Angeleno I decided to spend my […]