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Food Travel

ROAD WARRIOR (noun): a person who travels frequently as part of their job and does much work while travelling.
[Oxford English Dictionary]

Asia Europe

My Weird Food Olympics

I have recently returned from Japan, where some friends and I enjoyed a five day cycling trip in a remote […]



Beigels, Beigels, Beigels!

Regular readers of this blog will know a few things about me. 1: I travel a lot. 2: I like […]


Asia Europe

My Two Favorite Eating Experiences, of All Time

I travel a lot, and so I often get asked to nominate “winners” in a variety of travel-related categories. As […]




I happened to be in London for a day of business meetings this past week. While there, some members of […]


Central & South America

Food Adventures in Mexico City

I made my first visit to Mexico City a few weeks ago. It was an impromptu trip – we had […]


Central & South America

Guatemala, Part I: On Lake Atitlán

In 1988, aged 16, I made my first solo trip overseas. Back then I traveled to Poland and Israel, for […]